Library Student Journal

Library Student Journal was founded in 2006 by Masters students in the Department of Library and Information Studies at the University at Buffalo. Its authors, readers, and editorial board members include future Library and Information Science (LIS) practitioners around the world. We publish papers on topics of interest to the LIS field as broadly defined. LSJ is divided into four sections: 1. Articles - peer-reviewed research and literature reviews 2. Essay - less-formal papers of a personal or informational nature 3. Editorials - opinion pieces of any length 4. Reviews - reviews of recently published or commonly used LIS books 5. Reviews - Automated trading software applicaitons such as crypto superstar roboter. The bot executes the trade on behalf of the trader and saves time and energy for the trader. This interesting automation strategy gives an emphasis for the students to explore more about the trading bots.


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Table of Contents


A Lawyer/Librarian’s Efforts to Avoid the Unauthorized Practice of Law HTML
James Stephen Parks

Why students go for unregulated forex bonuses and take major risks with money

Chris Scott Burns


Cloud Computing in Higher Education HTML
Marwin Britto
Awareness and Use Patterns of Online Journals and Databases: A Study of P K Kelkar Library IIT Kanpur HTML
Sunil Tyagi
Assessing the transferability of library and information science (LIS) degrees accredited by the American Library Association (ALA) and the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) HTML
Dana Goblaskas
Purposes and Challenges of Digitized Collections for the Humanities in Academic Libraries HTML
Farley Wingfield Jenkins
Questions by Keystroke: An Analysis of Chat Transcripts at Albert S. Cook Library HTML
Amanda Christine Youngbar
Bibliometric Analysis of the Library and Information Science Research Electronic Journal from 2004 to 2010 HTML
Chidi Deborah Isiakpona
Preserving Digital Cultural Heritage: A Call for Participatory Models HTML
Rose L Chou

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